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Nurturing Families Network

Kids don't come with instructions! The Nurturing Families Network aims to identify and enhance family strengths while providing parents with knowledge and tools to monitor and promote their child's growth and development. We want to empower families to advocate for themselves and their children, and have the ability to receive support from community providers.

For Expectant Families and Caregivers of Children Under 6 Years Old

没有成本 for services or materials. All services are confidential.

To enroll or for more information, contact:

Christine Millette, LICSW, Clinical Supervisor
Cell/Text: (860) 428-0444
Office: (860) 963-6599 x7109

Mail and Telephone Support
Our staff will be there for you when you have non-medical questions about your child up through age 1. 我们提供:

  • Answers to your questions
  • Confidentiality
  • Emotional support
  • Monthly mailings/email - child development info
  • Connection to community resources

Enrollment for Nurturing Connections is open to first-time parents. Enroll anytime during pregnancy or before your baby turns 3 months old. Call (860) 928-6541 ext. 7109.

In-首页 Support

首页 Visitors provide encouragement and support, helpful tips, free books and other fun materials. With each visit, the 首页 Visitor can assist you with:

  • Child development monitoring and information
  • Fun activities to do with your child to promote healthy brain development
  • Infant massage information and support 
  • Options to deal with everyday stress
  • Connections to community resources 

Enrollment for 首页 Visits is open to caregivers of children under the age of 6. To enroll, call (860) 963-6599 ext. 7109 or text/call (860) 428-0444.

Fatherhood Program

From one dad to another, the Nurturing Families Network also includes a Fathering program. A male home visitor is available to provide your family with in-person, paternal support.

Virtual Play Groups via Zoom

Playgroups are offered the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month via Zoom from 10 a.m. 到晚上十点半.m. Playgroups are targeted for caregivers with children 0-5 years. Activities are FREE and open to the public. 联系 Christine Rosati Randall to join our invite list! Call or text: (860) 428-0444 or email:

About the Nurturing Families Network

The Nurturing Families Network is funded by the Office of Early Childhood, an agency of the State of Connecticut.

联系 信息

Office phone: (860) 963-6599 ext. 7109

 Text or call: (860) 428-0444
Office fax: (860) 963-6325  

Physical Location:
Day Kimball Healthcare
Family Advocacy Center
255 鲳鱼 Street
普特南, CT 06260

Mailing Address:
Nurturing Families Network
Day Kimball Healthcare
320 鲳鱼 Street
普特南, CT 06260


Office Hours:

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.

Team Members

Christine Millette, LICSW Clinical Supervisor


首页 Visitor
John O'Neill Father 首页 Visitor

Towns Served

亚什兰 布鲁克林
坎特伯雷 卓别林
哥伦比亚 Eastford
汉普顿 吸引人地
平原镇 鲳鱼
普特南 苏格兰
英镑 汤普森
温德姆 伍德斯托克